Melody Hesaraky | In Exploration of Space

Artist Melody Hesaraky features her latest works titled ” In Exploration of Space.”
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In Exploration of Space

In the world obsessed with speed, Melody Hesaraky’s art invites you to stay still. Her meditative visual art and repetitive patterns inspired by sound, vibration and energy encourages the viewer to be present and practice mindfulness.
In order to see all the mesmerizing details and imagery in her work you should zoom out of the world and zoom in into her art. And allow your mind to travel to different places different times. In Exploration of Space is a new series of Melody Hesaraky’s art collection exploring space, time, energy and light. Space and time constitute the grid work within which we conduct our lives, while inside their frame, energy and matter create our world of appearance and image. All perceptions created in our minds are constructed from these four building blocks.

“To be able to capture the amount of details I paint
To tap into the untouched and translate it to visual vocabulary
And to let the inspiration flow into my pen
I had to learn patience
I had to teach stillness to my mind so my spirit could move
I had to draw for hours, days, weeks and months seamlessly

My art is the result of movement in stillness
Take your time
Stay still
Be quiet and look


Melody Hesaraky

To see more of Print Designer and Artist, Melody Hesaraky’s work you can check out Melody Hes Studio ( which was founded by her in 2019, determined to build a brand that applies multiculturalism, design-thinking and art to wearables and textiles. The Label’s products feature unique pattern designs inspired by elements from everyday life, music and art. While bridging the gaps between these worlds Melody Hes Studio strives to bring cultural diversity and raise awareness about new ways of thinking, new technology, and social issues through unique  apparel, accessories, and fine art pieces.



In Exploration of Space

Textile Designer: Melody Hesaraky 

IG: Melody Hesaraky 

FB: Melody Hesaraky 

TW: Melody Hesaraky 

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Melody Hesaraky

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